Minggu, 13 November 2016

Let's Recognize the Concept of the Internet of Things in the Health World

IoT in Health World

Health studies in the United States shows, ear infections has made children more often come to the doctor than any other illness complaints. And about 80 percent of children, at least will suffer from near infections at age three. What if then an application on a smartphone can be a "doctor" of the infection ?

An accessory called Oto Home can now be used like an otoscope, a tool that doctors use to see inside patient's ear. Accessories can be used artificial CellScope parents at home, by installing it on an iPhone camera. After capturing videos circumstances in the child's ear canal, the video can be sent to the doctor via e-mail. With the cost of which has been determined, then the doctor diagnose and prescribe medication.

The presence of Oto Home according to the manufacturer over the idea to help families living in the remote areas, so quickly connect with the pediatrician. "We want to bring the doctor to the house, in addition to ease banking transactions can now be done on the phone," says co-founder and CEP CellScope, Erik Douglas.
The Daily Octagon has prepared a comprehensive review of these developments. Let's recognize it's concept in World Health.

The development of Internet of Things (IoT) obviously has spread to all areas, not at least the health sector, which this year will be more visible realization. Jim Hunter, Chief Scientist and Technology Evangelist of Greenwave Systems declared 2016 as the year of the technical transformation of IoT into practical and applicable. Oto Home had to be said concrete examples.

Laymen certainly already feel this transformation through a variety of products such as wearable Fitbit or Apple Watch. At the International Consumer Electronic Show 2016 earlier this year, the producers have even gone further by not only making wearable fitness in the form of a wristwatch. Under Armour sports shoes sneaker launches Gemini 2 that has been equipped with sensors, while OM clothing manufacturers presenting lingerie with similiar technology.

From a report published ECRI Institute, the presence of various wearable products, through big data analysis techniques, proved effective in early prediction of neural function of patients for Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, dementia, cerebral palsy, management of post-stroke brain, to an epileptic seizure. Some wearable also called has the ability to detect when a patient is likely to have a seizure, fell, or tremor.

Monitor Remote
In terms of medical personnel, the presence of wearables is certainly very promising because it can monitor outpatients from a distance, as well as hospitalization with more comfortable, as well as to provide more data to the doctors. Transparency Market Research at the end of last year has been predicted that by 2018, more than five million wearable and mobile healthcare sensors will be used for the benefit of health, while the trend of remote patient referred to will be a revolutionary way of handling patients.

Technology monitoring patients remotely can be an important method to reduce health care costs and strengthen the possibility of recovery of patients. For example, a doctor who found changes in vital signs in patients with heart disease, it can change treatment before more serious problems to come, which in turn reduces the need and cost of an emergency room. Doctors were able to track the health status of patients at home, and consulting via video call connection.

Although developments in the field of health IoT continues to step away, Jim Hunter reminiscent of some of the possible challenges that must be anticipated all elements of the user. The element of privacy wearable for example, is likely to occur due to a variety of security failures IoT provide.

Consequently, the legal jurisdiction would begin enforcing rules more favorable to consumer privacy, to limit the transfer, analysis, up to the commercialization of health data.
"I would not be surprised if in the future there will be some class action or criminal litigation actions of the patient or another party that started this problem," said Jim. Whether or not the prediction of Jim, the future of the IoT in health seen in light.

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